Miami Fishing Reports

  • Sep 18

    Deep Sea Fishing Report Miami

    Published September 18th, 2020

    Fall is pretty much here and the fishing has been very consistent offshore. We’ve been catching a mixed bag of dolphin, kingfish, wahoo, and more with ¾ or full day trips yielding the most success. September is nearing it’s end and the next month will be a bit of a transition as more bait moves into our area igniting better fishing along the edge.  October is a very underrated month off of Miami. It’s usually a slow time of year but not because of the fishing. Kids are back in school, and people start making holiday plans during fall which can put a damper in their immediate travel plans. Regardless, October is usually met with great fishing and light crowds when we do make it out there.  Dolphin Fishing During October The dolphin fishing is usually pretty good in October with the average fish ranging in the 10+ lb range which is slightly bigger than the schoolies we catch during summer. In addition, ...

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  • Aug 26

    Goliath Grouper off Miami

    Published August 26th, 2020

    The last few years have seen a late run of dolphin that seems to peak in August and this season was no different. Dolphin are usually swarming during June and July but the last few years have seen a better push of fish later in the season. Dolphin are highly migratory so it's hard for us to put our finger on when or why they'll migrate through but we're grateful for the solid late season fishing and weather we've been enjoying lately. On full day trips we have been averaging 10-20 dolphin per trip and have had a few days where we catch our limit. It hasn't been spectacular but this is enough to really fill the box with meat.The clients below drove down from Sarasota with 3 coolers so they were definitely grateful for their haul.  Wreck Fishing During Summer In addition to dolphin, we have had some decent wreck fishing as of late. We have been catching some nice amberjack, almaco jacks, ...

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  • Jul 13

    Blue Marlin off Miami

    Published July 13th, 2020

    I really wonder how the Miami baseball franchise previously known as the Florida Marlins ever came to be. It's clear the founders had little to no fishing experience off Miami because quite honestly, our marlin fishing sucks. Don't get me wrong, we catch HUNDREDS of billfish each year. We have a thriving sailfish fishery during fall, winter, and spring. In addition, we can catch swordfish year round. Marlin however, have always been, and will always be a rarity.  Summertime Miami Mahi Fishing If we named our baseball team the Miami Mahi or South Florida Sailfish, I would understand. We do catch a pile of dolphin during the summer and sailfish during 9 months of the year. This summer hasn't had a wide open mahi mahi (dolphin bite) but we have caught consistent numbers of fish on 3/4 and full days. The only issue is that many of the fish have been on the smaller side. Either way we've been taking home dinner on almost every trip. In ...

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  • Apr 19

    Fish Species During Summer in Miami

    Published April 19th, 2020

    Summer Fishing on the Way! The global circumstances definitely put a dent in spring fishing but that doesn't mean we won't be getting out on the water soon. Summer fishing is right around the corner! With calmer than average weather and great fishing, summer is definitely a great time of year to get out on the water. I'm sure we all need some H2O after all this time indoors.  Fish Species during Summer off Miami Sailfish are still prevalent during the right conditions during May and June  Sailfish start to lean out during June and July but during the right conditions, sailfish are a possibility year round In addition to sails, kings, blackfin tuna, and more frequent the edge through the end of June. Kite fishing can still be productive as late as July but you really need current and some wind. Dolphin fishing should pick up during June and July and are the main species we target during summer Dolphin are usually arriving ...

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  • Mar 18

    Still Open for Spring Fishing

    Published March 18th, 2020

    Yes, We're Still Open! There is no better time to get outdoors for a private fishing charter. Our boat is thoroughly cleaned between every trip and our crew is healthy. The fishing is stellar this time of year with sailfish, blackfin tuna, kingfish, and more. A private fishing charter to catch dinner is an example of social distancing at its finest.  Spring Fishing in Miami Spring fishing during March, April, and May is the best time of year for quality and quantity of fish. The sailfish are still around in numbers along with a variety of meatfish ranging from mahi to cobia moving along the edge. In addition, wreck fishing should be heating up during the next few months with amberjack, grouper, african pompano and more. One of our favorites, permit will also be staging to spawn shortly. There is no better thrill than catching permit on light tackle. With blistering runs and multiple hookups being the norm, permit fishing is icing on the cake while fishing during ...

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  • Feb 26

    Best Time of Year to Fish Miami

    Published February 26th, 2020

    I get this question a lot and to be honest, we have great fishing year round. The answer is rather subjective because your definition of great fishing may largely depend on your preference. For some people, catching 60 dolphin on a warm summer day is the trip of a lifetime. Others might want to knock billfish off their bucket list and could care less for meat. Personally, I love catching billfish and the by-catch while kite fishing always keeps things exciting. If I had to pick 2 months of the year to fish, March and April would be my top choice. Flags symbolize the number of sailfish released during a trip. This is one of many double digit days we have had during spring. Springtime off Miami  Spring is a stellar time of year with a great mix of variety, quality, and quantity of fish. We definitely have slower days when the current is lighter than expected or the wind direction is less than favorable but overall spring time can be ...

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  • Jan 18

    Wintertime Kite Fishing

    Published January 18th, 2020

    Kitefishing For Sailfish I get the question every day... What do you catch this time of year? Winter in Miami is a great time of year with short runs and a lot of diversity. We predominantly target sailfish during the winter but luckily kitefishing is an approach that involves live bait and light tackle. Unlike trolling for other billfish such as marlin that require big lures with heavy tackle, kite fishing is a light tackle proposition. What is Kite Fishing? Kite fishing involves using a kite to suspend baits on or near the surface. Our boat is custom built for this technique so we use electric reels to fly 2 kites simultaneously behind the boat. On the line tethered to the kite we have clips that we use to attach the rods we use to actually fight the fish. We use 20lb class conventional reels with 6 foot rods for kite fishing and like to fish 6 baits at a time on the surface. When a fish eats the bait, the clip pops, ...

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  • Oct 28

    Monster Swordfish in Miami

    Published October 28th, 2019

    It's not always the fish you catch that make memories. More often than not, the fight itself is what sticks with you. We've caught plenty of swordfish up to about 400 lbs, bluefin tuna to 700lbs, blue marlin to 400lbs, giant sharks, and more. Our list of "impressive catches" is pretty extensive. Either way, the list of epic losses is probably just as long.  I've had plenty of epic fights during my career fishing. Some have ended with the fish of a lifetime in the boat and many have ended with fish stories. Before even talking about our recent catch, let me talk about a few fights that didn't go our way. Below you'll find our top 5 most epic losses. 500+ Pound Swordfish- This was an epic fight back in 2012. We hooked the fish toward the end of our trip and proceeded to fight the thing until it was close to sunrise. The fish jumped 5 times but we just couldn't get a clear ...

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  • Aug 31

    September and October Fishing Forecast

    Published August 31st, 2019

    Great late season dolphin fishing The dolphin fishing went through a serious lull in July. We were definitely catching a few dolphin on average but it wasn't red hot by any means. Fortunately the dolphin season seems to be finishing stronger than it started. We have had quite a few limits toward the end of August and caught plenty of fish in the 20-40lb range. This was a great summer for "slammer" dolphin for us. We have been putting a decent number of bigger fish on the docks. Blue Marlin off Miami! Blue marlin are a rare occurrence while fishing off Miami. We usually see a few each summer and we had one customer lucky enough to catch a 200lb class blue during the last week of August. You really never know what you're going to catch out there and this fish was a welcomed surprise. The fish came up on a hookless daisy chain teaser before switching over to a ballyhoo. Kris nailed the ...

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  • Jun 13

    Dolphin Fishing Miami

    Published June 13th, 2019

    Dolphin Fishing Charters Miami Summertime means mahi-mayhem in Miami. Dolphin go by a number of names just to make sure people are adequately confused. Dolphin are actually dolphin-fish. These fish grow quickly and congregate in large schools offshore especially during the summer. To be clear, we are not out there trying to kill Flipper. Dolphin-fish are fish, not porpoises. We do not kill mammals. The scientific name for dolphin is Coryphaena hippurus. The Hawaiian name for dolphin is mahi-mahi which means "very strong." In Latin America, these fish are often referred to as Dorado. In the southeast United States, we usually call them dolphin or mahi. Dolphin Fishing off Miami is a year round affair but summer is definitely the best time. Below you'll see a picture of a fine specimen.  Difference between Bull and Cow Dolphin Mahi-mahi are one one of the few species of fish that have distinct characteristics based on gender. Male dolphin have square heads like the one pictured above. Cows on ...

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  • May 1

    May Fishing on Fire

    Published May 1st, 2019

    April Fishing Recap April was a stellar month for sailfish. We spent most of the month live baiting with the kites which yielded an average of 3 sailfish per trip. We had 8 days where we caught more than 10 sailfish per trip. Our best day yielded 24 sailfish out of 30 bites which is red hot. The sails were a bit late this year but we'll take it! The sailfish bite should continue to be decent all the way until June. Wreck Fishing during May Wreck fishing has been pretty solid. May is probably the best time of year to wreck fish overall. Amberjack frequent most of the deeper shipwrecks accompanied by a few grouper for which the season just opened. In addition, the permit spawn continues on the shallower wrecks until about mid May. Permit fishing is only really possible on a full day but these fish are definitely worth the chase! Permit are a catch and release fishery. These fish are picky and only really like to eat live crabs. Pound ...

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  • Jan 22

    Kite Fishing Charters Miami

    Published January 22nd, 2019

    Kite Fishing on the Edge January and February are a great time of year off Miami. South Florida is unique because it is one of the few sections of coastline in the continental United States where we have a short run to the fishing grounds. Just 5 miles off Miami's coast is an area we call "the edge." During winter most of the fish are concentrated on this drop off in 100-300 feet of water. Unlike summertime where we often run 10-20 miles offshore, we have the luxury of catching bigger fish closer to shore during the winter. With this being said, half and 3/4 day trips are more than adequate this time of year. A good day of kite fishing starts with having a livewell full of frisky live baits. Here at Double Threat Charters, we take our bait fish very seriously! We have 8 bait pens around the boat which we try to keep stocked with the best bait time or money can buy. In our slip we ...

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  • Nov 30

    November Fishing Report

    Published November 30th, 2018

    November Fishing Report: Looking to get out on the water this weekend?  Check out what we’ve been catching off Miami to maximize your success.  The fall fishing has gotten off to a slow start, with the usual migrations of blackfin tuna, mackerel, and sailfish a little behind schedule.  Don’t fear, there is still plenty of action to be found offshore if you’re willing to switch up tactics.  The live bait kite fishing has been slower than to be expected, even when the optimal conditions of blue water and north current are present over the reef.  Trolling has been more productive than live baiting, especially in the shallower depths. The migrations of baitfish such as ballyhoo, sardines and herring are finally starting to arrive.  Predatory fish know this and are moving in shallow to capitalize on the abundance of bait.  Keep an eye out for showers of ballyhoo on the oceanside flats and patch reefs.  It’s not uncommon to ...

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  • Oct 11

    October and November Fishing Report

    Published October 11th, 2018

    October is a bit of a transition month off Miami with conditions changing by the day. With the tail end of dolphin season upon us, the answer to a successful trip doesn't necessarily involve punching it way offshore. In fact, some of the best fishing during October usually takes place from the edge in 100 feet of water out to 1,000 feet.A variety of factors influence where and how we fish during fall. With the summer doldrums coming to an end, we are often met with moderate east and northeast winds during the fall. In addition to an onshore flow of wind, there is usually an influx of bait on the reef in the form during this time of year. Ballyhoo, mullet, and spanish sardines, begin to amass in serious numbers and there are no shortage of predators in hot pursuit. Fishing Bait Showers Nearshore With more wind and moe bait, dolphin, tuna, kingfish, and more can all be caught shallower than 500 feet during fall. On many days, we even see ...

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  • Aug 31

    September Fishing in Miami

    Published August 31st, 2018

    The kids are back in school but summer is by no means over. This summer has produced consistent fishing and we expect that September will be no different. Fall is definitely around the corner, but now is still a great time for dolphin fishing. In addition to mahi-mahi, kingfish, wahoo, blackfin tuna, and more are on the edge.  Half Day Fishing Charters During Summer Fishing during the summer is usually productive if you are in the right place at the right time. On half day trips, we are usually limited to about a 10 mile range offshore. On some half days, we bolt offshore and look for dolphin. The decision to whether or not we run offshore is usually dependent on the weather as well as the fishing during the days prior. Dolphin fishing can be time consuming as you cover ground trying to find concentrations of fish. During half days we have a limited window so it's go big or go home if we target dolphin.  If ...

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  • Jul 10

    Fishing During July in Miami

    Published July 10th, 2018

    July Fishing Miami July is the middle of summer for us in South Florida. As far as the weather is concerned, we can usually expect calm seas during most of our trips. During the "summer doldrums," we are often graced with high pressure, calm winds, and warm weather. Usually the seas are two feet or less. There is almost always rain in the forecast but this weather is usually isolated. Thunderstorms usually flare up in the afternoons during summer. These systems usually form over the Everglades and on most days we don't even see any rain offshore. We get questions about the rain during summer on a regular basis but it is rarely an issue. Overall, summertime is a great time of year to get out with the family. With calm seas and great fishing, summertime fishing in Miami is hard to beat. A Typical Summer Fishing Trip Wreck Fishing On an average trip during the summertime we usually run straight offshore. We sometimes make a quick ...

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  • May 23

    Fish Species During June in Miami

    Published May 23rd, 2018

    Fish Species During June in Miami Summer fishing is upon us! We have had a great assortment of fish offshore. Depending on the conditions we have had shots at sailfish, mahi-mahi, kingfish, grouper, blackfin tuna, amberjack, and more. I'll do a quick breakdown of some of the different species we can expect this time of year. I'm going to talk about blackfin tuna, mahi-mahi, and amberjack. Feel free to check out the links for other fish we expect this time of year such as sailfish and kingfish, on our target species page. Blackfin Tuna Fishing Miami  One of our favorite fish to target this time of year are blackfin tuna. This time of year, blackfin averaging 20-30lbs migrate along our coast. These fish are most easily targetted in the early morning and afternoon during low light conditions. They prefer feeding on live bait fished off the kite or with light leader on a flat line. We usually catch our tuna while kite fishing in 120-200 feet ...

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  • Apr 9

    Spring Fishing 2018

    Published April 9th, 2018

    April and May Fishing Miami I'll be honest, this winter wasn't the best we've had. We averaged a few sailfish per trip and had plenty of good days but it wasn't the season we hoped for. Fortunately, spring is here and the bite has picked up tremendously. Historically, springtime fishing off Miami has always produced. We have had 3 double digit sailfish days during the last month. We caught 12 one day, 10 the other, and 14 on the most recent trip. In addition, we have had nice kingfish around, amberjack, permit, and more. With a nice mixed bag and plenty of sailfish around, we can definitely say that spring is here and it won't disappoint.  Sailfishing During 2018 The kite fishing has been very steady since March. We have caught 155 sailfish so far this year out of 75 charters. We have averaged about 2 per trip but have had some stellar days as well. Sailfish are a lot of fun and make a great introductory billfish. They are very photogenic ...

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  • Dec 1

    Winter Fishing for Sailfish, Dolphin, and more

    Published December 1st, 2017

     Temperatures have been much more mild ranging from 65-80 degrees. With this cooler weather, many of the fish have moved closer to shore as they migrate to the south. We have been catching sailfish, mahi mahi, kingfish, tuna, grouper, and morel The great thing about fishing during late fall and winter is that we don't travel far to find the fish. We usually end up successful even on shorter half days. most off our fishing is done within 5 miles of shore which isn't a bad commute for a boat that cruises at 20 mph. Kite fishing is the go to method for fishing this time of year. This technique involves live bait, light tackle, and is very hands on. The great thing about kite fishing is you never know what will be your next bite. The sailfish have really shown up but there are also mahi, kings, and more around. This keeps things interesting while live baiting. Winter is always an exciting time of year off Miami. When ...

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  • Jul 24